
PPI Dunia Explores Entrepreneurship in Japan with the CEO of Kopikalyan

Rabu, 29 November 2023 - 21:07
PPI Dunia Explores Entrepreneurship in Japan with the CEO of Kopikalyan The member of PPI Jepang and PPI Dunia along with the owner of Kopikalyan during the Ngopi Bareng CEO program. (Photo: PPI Dunia)

TIMES JABAR, JAKARTA – Over 50 Indonesian students from around the globe gathered at the hybrid event "Ngopi Bareng CEO – Japan," hosted at Kopikalyan Tokyo on Monday (27/11/2023). This event was pioneered by the Association of Indonesian Students Worldwide (PPI Dunia).

On this occasion PPI Dunia will bring together CEOs or business owners from various countries to provide insights on starting and running businesses in their respective nations. This time they take Kenny Tjahyadi, the owner of Kopikalyan Tokyo, Japan.

Kenny highlighted numerous considerations when initiating a business in Japan. It ranges from strict commodity inspections for imports, a diverse array of permits required to establish a coffee shop, to the importance of storytelling, especially about the origin of Indonesian coffee.

"Overall, Japanese consumers appreciate narratives side of a product, such as the origin story of Indonesian coffee, anecdotes about individuals who have consumed a particular product, and unique characteristics associated with it," Kenny mentioned .

During his presentation, Kenny expressed appreciation for the enthusiasm shown by PPI Dunia and PPI Jepang or PPI Japan students in participating in it He hoped that the insights gained would open entrepreneurial opportunities in Japan, especially post-graduation.

Ken Kumbara Jagad, Head of Business Incubation at the Directorate of Business Innovation Development, represented PPI Dunia and was responsible for organizing "Ngopi Bareng CEO – Japan." He conveyed that the event was organized in response to the aspirations of PPI Dunia students seeking new insights into entrepreneurship.

"This inaugural 'Ngopi Bareng CEO' event is expected to ignite a similar spirit among student entrepreneurs in other countries, ultimately enhancing the economic independence of students post-study abroad," said Ken.

The success of this event is attributed to the keen interest of Indonesian students in Japan whom eager to initiate their businesses in the country. Rizki Anissa, Head of the Business and Trade Study Bureau at PPI Japan, stated that students in Japan have a high interest in exploring various entrepreneurial potentials while pursuing their studies, such as establishing restaurants or importing Indonesian products.

"PPI Japan is committed to supporting the enhancement of knowledge for Indonesian students in Japan, especially those interested in business and trade. This event breathes fresh air into the students, minimizing risks and shedding light on business opportunities," she said.

Merry Astrid Indriasari, Trade Attaché at the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo, also supported the students in delving into the business world through interactions with local entrepreneurs while pursuing their studies in Japan. Merry encouraged the promotion of Liberika coffee, a variant championed by Kopikalyan Tokyo, to align with the tastes of Japanese consumers.

"All the knowledge gained in this event will serve as best practices for students as promoters of Indonesian products in Japan. We will continue to assist students in learning the principles of trade and support future initiatives by PPI Dunia," concluded Merry. (*)

Pewarta : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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